Leasing is a great way for your school to obtain the equipment you need to provide the very best education experience for your students, without using up your much needed capital budget.
Equipment purchased for education such as computers would normally be funded through the capital budget. With different types of learning introduced, a classroom set for 30 students can cost anything from £7,500.00 upwards. In addition to costs incurred such as support, training, and ongoing maintenance for equipment that is quickly out of date. Many schools end up having to use old, unfit equipment for many years as they just don’t have the budget to replace it.
In addition to that unexpected spending incurred by schools due to Covid-19 for PPE, Cleaning, Supply teachers, additional resources to support home learning has made it even more necessary for schools to consider leasing instead of purchasing outright.
Here are four reasons why you should consider leasing equipment for your school.
Prefer to watch? Here’s a short video overview.
Affordable Payments
Plan ahead and spread the costs of investing in new equipment. Payments are made in smaller instalments allowing you to focus on other projects where funding is limited.
Maximise your budgets
Get the equipment you want and need without compromising on the functionality and quality. Whether you want to invest in new I.T technology, catering equipment or playground equipment. Leasing supports your budget plans.
Keep up to date with the latest equipment and technology
Provide your students with the support and tools to ensure a better learning environment. Receive the credibility and be known to offer fantastic facilities.
Equipment and technology can become outdated quickly, this is where leasing can be a great benefit as there is no need to source additional funds and you can simply upgrade the equipment for the latest model at the end of the lease..
We have financed everything from vending machines in your school canteens, LED lighting in your buildings, the latest Interactive Flat Panels in your classroom, playground and sporting equipment, desktops and laptops for students and staff software, and even modular classrooms. The list goes on..
Speak to a member of our team to find out how we can help in creating a better environment for your pupils and students to learn.
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